#ATAGTR2023 was the 8th edition of Global Testing Retreat
#ATAGTR2023 came to an end with a closing ceremony on 9th of December 2023. Thanks to everyone who participated in the conference and our events like #CafeATAhon #LeadershipPanel discussions, #AutomATAHon, #SelQurATAhon, Quiz, Selfie and Social media contests.Thanks much to all our volunteers and Jury members for making this 8th edition a resounding success.
#ATAGTR2023 Testing Leadership Awards

#AutomATAhon2023 Winners

#ATAGTR2023 Contest Winners
Contest Name | Position | Winner Name |
Social Media Post Contest (2nd December ) | Winner | Akshatha Dusa |
1st Runner Up | Monish Correia | |
2nd Runner Up | Rituraj Patil | |
Social Media Post Contest (3rd December) | Winner | Akshatha Dusa |
1st Runner Up | Pranali A Pallshetkar | |
2nd Runner Up | Prachi Dahibhate | |
Tasting (testing) Contest | Winner | Sonal Kulkarni |
Singing Contest (8th December ) | Winner | Rahul |
1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up | Rupali Surya | |
Feedback Lucky Dip contest | Winner | Ketan Vaidya |
1st Runner Up | Prachi Katekar | |
2nd Runner Up | Kirti Ranjan | |
People Hunt Contest | Winner Fiserv booth | Neeraj Sinha |
Winner Tietoevry booth | Neeraj Sinha | |
Winner Rajat Academy booth | Geosley andrades | |
Mobile Phone Contest | Winner | Chidambaram Vetrivel |
Reels Contest | Winner | Deepthi K |
1st Runner | Ketan Vaidya | |
2nd Runner Up | Somendra Sharma | |
Photo Contest | Winner | Ashish Kumar |
1st Runner Up | Anu Rathore | |
2nd Runner Up | Sonal Kulkarni | |
LinkedIn Posts Contests | Winner | Vipul Kayasth |
1st Runner Up | Kirti Satapathy | |
2nd Runner Up | Deepthi K | |
Twitter Post Contest | Winner | Mithun Kotian |
1st Runner Up | Abhay Kumar | |
2nd Runner Up | Yogesh Khairnar | |
Best Meme | Winner | Yogesh Khairnar |
ATAGTR Testimonials
"Generally, weekends are meant for enjoying personal time. But my idea of personal time is spending time on Personal Development. Thank you, Agile Testing Alliance, for a perfectly productive weekend with immense value addition at ATAGTR2022"

"Thank you, Agile Testing Alliance - organizers and speakers. It was a quite magical experience, to be honest. The event was well organized and managed to its best. Right from start till end it was seamless. Special shoutout- To Aditya and his team, amazing efforts especially on the event days. Making it big every time."

"Three cheers to all the organizers of Agile Testing Alliance. I remember the last-minute submission of our presentation and team being flexible enough to support, taking out time for conducting test calls. With your regular work you people carrying out these great multiple conference events is commendable. Thanking everyone for giving us this opportunity to present our thoughts and ideas👌👌👏👏"

Happiest Minds Technologies
"Thank you, Aditya, Pallavi, Harshada and the entire ATAGTR2021 team for the opportunity. Very well co-ordinated and planned the event! Well done ATAGTR2021 team!"

Amadeus S.A.S
"It’s an honour and a privilege to participate in #ATAGTR2022 and past ATAGTR events from 2017 from Sri Lanka. Completing my 6th chapter as an esteemed speaker and helping the test community grow globally. My sincere thanks go to Aditya Garg who really support the Agile Testing community and the team behind for this awesome opportunity."

"Great work Team. Was an amazing experience. 👏
The one thing I love about this conference is the Speaker selection process. Amazingly methodical and transparent. Thanks for bringing such wonderful and diverse talks to #ATAGTR2021. Looking forward to next one. 😊"

"I could not have imagined speaking in this conference. Last minute submission to support at all stages for patiently answering me every single time, to timely support at many instances. Agile Testing Alliance surely has a great team which is committed to excellence. The event was executed flawlessly on all tracks. The arrangements were superb. My wish to speak at a major conference is fulfilled. Thanks again 😊👏🙏
The host on track1 Deepthi was amazing. Cant thank her enough ."

"Nothing is more satisfying than sharing the knowledge and experience back to the community you have grown in. It was an honour for me and my colleague, Chidambaram Vetrivel to be given an opportunity to present at a magnificent #ATAGTR2021 event along with the industry experts. I thank the entire #ATAGTR team for tirelessly working in making this event a great success. "

The Commerce Team Globa
"Thanks To Agile Testing Alliance for giving us an opportunity to share our thoughts special thanks to Aditya Garg, Rituraj Patil, Harshada and Pallavi and all the volunteers who made this event a grand success !!!"

"Thank you, Agile Testing Alliance, organizers and speakers. I thoroughly enjoyed both the days. Very well-organized and managed. Got good learning opportunity in the conference. Thank you all. 💐"

Citi India
"Thanks a lot, to the entire team of ATAGTR2021. It would require a lot of effort to put up an event of this scale and run it so smooth. It was a wonderful experience for first time speakers, boosted our confidence to participate in more such events in the future 🙏 Thank you once again😇"

Qapitol QA
"What a pleasure and a privilege it was to be a part of Global Testing Retreat 2022! Thoroughly enjoyed the conference, brilliantly planned, and executed - Kudos to the full team! Thank you for the kind opportunity."

"Thanks Organisers, Speakers and all the enthusiastic participants. Thanks for getting us bug hunters together. Bugs of all types - the elusive, persistent, disruptive, random, quixotic, insidious. It was great tapping into the new ideas, approaches, techniques; sit back and reflect. Lot of new ideas cherry picked and need to now mull over them more deeply."

"Thanks a lot, to ATA GTR Team, being super supportive and cooperative 🙂 Because of this conference, we could fulfil our dreams of speaking at a major conference."
