#ATAGTR2023 Speaker

Welcome to the 8th Edition of the Global Testing Retreat 2023!

About Speaker

Pradeep Soundararajan has a vision for people and businesses to grow holistically. Moolya – the company he founded is a leading example of how to grow holistically. Moolya drives growth for its customers by preventing bugs and doing contextual testing to aid their customer growth and experience. He has published 2 books so far. Buddha in Testing and Growth Driven Testing.

Pradeep lives a life of gratitude and is in cognizance that many people make him. He has everything he needs in this life and is dedicated to short circuiting the journey for others to get there. He has found a hack to slow down time and hence is able to work out in the gym regularly, does yoga, meditation, runs while homeschooling his daughter despite running Moolya and Bugasura in parallel. He vlogs on Youtube and Instagram under the handle Pradeep Sakalya Jiva

Pradeep Soundararajan

Founder CEO of 
Bugasura & Moolya

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